Amnanda Treatment Testimonials

Hannah holds such a phenomenally loving and safe space and the treatment itself is literal magic- Grounded in simplicity. The experience for me so far has been like watching my soul mature from the root up and take care of the rest of me accordingly. Every day real life is becoming so much more regulated and the mess and chaos of my world is slowly being tidied up. It’s like the gift of reparenting and finding myself able to truly ‘adult’ for the first time… just naturally, somehow, it’s happening. I’m so grateful for this treatment and for Hannah’s amazing space holding.


To be a recipient of the Amnanda process was such a gift. The monthly rhythm and the slowly building, gentle, yet palpable release of tensions and traumas felt incredibly nourishing and restorative to me. Hannah's way of delivering this series of treatments felt deeply nurturing and loving and I found the whole experience to be truly healing.


I am nearing the end of my 12 month Amnanda journey a supportive gift to myself after the first two years of mothering - and find each session to be nourishing, restorative and healing, and am feeling transformation is happening on a cellular level. So much gratitude!

- K.C.

Amnanda has been my saving Grace, it came along when I was so in fear and it helped me through, I feel more grounded, I feel more embodied.

- N.H.

I felt absolutely wonderful and amazing after the first session, it made such a difference to my well-being.


This is the best investment I’ve ever made, it’s life changing.

- S.H.

When going through the Amnanda journey, I noticed the profound difference in the safety and gentleness of the container as I released lifetimes of traumas. It was a revelation to realise that healing, growth and deep purification of past trauma can be so Gentle, steady, safe and Undramatic, whilst having a healing and transformational impact. Month after month I became more amazed as I witnessed lessons reveal themselves in order for me to quietly breakthrough my own blockages with such triumph, leading to incredible new gifts and abundance opening up. All without having to go through dramatic or polarised journey of deep suffering and ungrounded Highs. The healing journey became level and regulated and the gifts were therefore able to root more deeply than ever as my mind, body and spirit rested, restored and realigned in order to call fourth the highest truth of my path, desires and wellbeing.

- A. F.