I was immediately touched by Hannah caring and empathetic approach. Hannah was also able to really hear my story and echoed back a deep understanding of the issue that immediately led me to know she would be able to facilitate this experience for me. The experience itself was epic, literally over several hours that seemed to fly by and Hannah was totally present throughout. I felt incredibly held and safe to go deep into my process and the day was perfectly paced to reach its natural conclusion.It was a very deep and profoundly cathartic experience with many insights and personal shifts. I would highly recommended Hannah to anyone wishing to go deep into their 'shadows' for healing and resolution."

- S.B.

"Thank you so much, The clarity it has brought is immeasurable. Never before has my childhood and all the messaging been laid out in such a digestible fashion. I’m still taking it all in. The money s secondary to me, it’s the mental and emotional blocks that get cleared in these processes that make them priceless. It is worth so much to me and you went above and beyond throughout the process.

- Nicole

”With Hannah Mae’s resilience, kindness, softness and wisdom empathically in a way that feels real, and seeped into me with not lingo or jargon from a work book but real, it was like a heart speaking that knows pain and sadness and I came away with a sense of being fully met in my deepest darkest place I’d ever been”

- R.S.

”A deep explorative journey was taken. held beautifully by a Hannah. as she guides, supports and nourishes you on your journey back to self. To the person you were born to be. I felt totally safe & free to express.Thank you for helping and facilitating me to comeback to me.

- S. London

'I could not recommend Hannah and Shadow Work higher. Hannah is incredible to work with. I felt completely safe throughout the whole process even going through hard feelings. I have been actively into personal development in many forms for many, many years, and I have never felt as powerful results as after Hannahs work. Now six days since we did the work things are shifting incredibly into the direction I wished for. I see things with clarity and I feel very confident that more pieces will fall into balance with more time. I am Extremely grateful I chose to show up for Shadow work with Hannah. It is worth every minute and every penny.'

- L.A.

"Thanks for working with me yesterday. I found the work to be really transformative. I've been on a high ever since. It's not the high of being "out of it", more the high of having completed something. I feel like I have been carrying something for years and have just put it down. I feel lighter, I feel optimistic and I feel in control. Most of all I can feel! Thanks for facilitating this massive and paradoxically subtle change.”.

- S.E.

In her role as a Shadow Work Coach Hannah is like water - simultaneously immensely powerful and utterlygentle. I felt so safe with Hannah I was able to let go completely. She is able to remain fluid to whatever comes to the fore in a session, whilst never loosing sight of the over-arching intention. I have no idea how she does it - all I know is that I'm immensely grateful. She has really helped me clear head and heart before the birth of our first child, and I can't wait to continue working together in the future".

- E. E.

I marvel at your skill and ability to facilitate, recall, recount, record and review in a session it is an incredible gift, I marvel at your ability to take it all in.

- Diarmaid

“A lot of revelations, you have helped me see so much that I hadn’t seen by bringing all the parts of me together.”

- P.N.B

Doing Shadow Work with Hannah Mae was like a (gentle) rebirthing for me. I came to the session lost, confused and unsure of a clear way forward and was held expertly and compassionately through a process of unpacking my inner landscape and elements of self until they were literally laid out on the floor in front of me for me to see clearly. I was supported by Hannah to bring the hidden parts of me into the light, and to understand what had been hidden / rejected and why.

In doing so I was able to claim back the authenticity and sovereignty that I had been searching for for many years. The Shadow Work process also set the wheels in motion for the resolution of a family issue that I had been desperate to resolve. Thank you so much Hannah for all of your care and presence, for staying with me until the very end, every step along the way, the encouragement, for the clear reflection and compassion. I am so grateful and my life is richer and better because of this work.

- J.P.

Hannah Mae created an easy, trusting environment to be be able to sink deeply into the work. I would highly recommend doing Shadow Work, it has given me clarity on my self sabotaging strategies and a deep understanding of where they come from. This has allowed me to treat myself more compassionately and love the hidden parts of myself. I feel I have a new understanding of self that allows for a lot more love and empathy.

I am looking forward to our next session. Thank you Hannah Mae for holding space so beautifully

- Anon. Plumpton